Low cost Wifi Humidity sensor with ESP8266 Wifi module and DHT22 digital humidity and temperature sensor. The board has on-board 3.3V regulator and can be powered from USB charger with USB-A socket. All the pins of the wifi module have broken out to breadboard-friendly 0,1″ headers. Unused pin is connected to 5V input for easier progamming. There is also LED and a button for entering the program mode (hold down while power-up) which makes this board suitable for prototyping and developing apps for ESP8266 Wifi module. When the Wifi module is constantly in full operational mode (with HTTP server etc.) it gets quite warm and can affect the temperature and humidity readings. Keeping the sensor 3-4mm away from the board and/or putting the module in sleep will resolve this problem.
- Wifi module: ESP8266-03
- Digital humidity and temperature sensor: DHT22
- Supply voltage: 5V
- Program button
- Status LED
- Bare PCB: 3€
- Schematic
- Board layout