1-Wire Shield for WeMos D1

1-Wire Shield for WeMos D1 is 1-Wire to i2c bus converter board based on Maxim DS2482-100 Single-Channel 1-Wire Bus Master chip. It is used to off-load the time critical 1-Wire waveform generation from the MCU to the 1-Wire Bus Master to achieve error free operation with longer 1-Wire bus situations. Board header layout is compatible with WeMos D1 mini microcontroller boards. There is on-board strong pull-up mosfet and the level converter for 5V to 3.3V i2c interface.


  • 1-Wire device: Maxim DS2482-100 Single-Channel 1-Wire Master
  • 1-Wire connector: RJ45 (RJ12 or 3-pin 3.5mm screw terminal on request)
  • Supply voltage: 5V from WeMos D1 board
  • i2c logic level: 3.3V
  • 1-Wire logic level: 5V
  • Strong pull-up capability




  • Bare PCB: 3€ 
  • Pre-assembled: 17€
  • Pre-assembled with RJ45 socket: 22€
  • Pre-assembled with RJ12 socket: 22€
  • Pre-assembled with screw terminals 22€


1-Wire Plug

1-Wire Plug is 1-Wire to i2c bus converter board based on Maxim DS2482-100 Single-Channel 1-Wire Bus Master chip. It is used to off-load the time critical 1-Wire waveform generation from the MCU to the 1-Wire Bus Master to achieve error free operation with longer 1-Wire bus situations. Board header layout is compatible with TaaraNode and JeeNode microcontroller boards. There is on-board 5V LDO regulator, strong pull-up mosfet and the level converter for 5V to 3.3V i2c interface.




  • Bare PCB: 3€ 
  • Pre-assembled: 15€