Next version of the Wifi Temperature and Humidity sensor with ESP8266 ESP-12S Wifi module and SHT21 digital humidity and temperature sensor with additional USB interface. The board has on-board 3.3V regulator and can be powered from USB charger with USB-A socket. Deep sleep function is supported for ultra low power mode. There are also an on-board status LED and a PROG button for entering the program mode (hold down while power-up). The board is now equipped with the serial to USB converter chip to make flashing and monitoring the sensor more convenient. Temperature and Humidity sensor is located away from other components and separated with cut out slot for better thermal isolation. The board dimensions are designed to fit the off-the-shelf enclosure.
- Wifi module: ESP8266 ESP-12S
- Digital humidity and temperature sensor: SHT21 or HTU21D
- Supply voltage: 5V
- USB serial interface: CH330N
- Only TX/RX serial signals are connected to USB
- DTR signal is not connected to USB
- Program button
- Status LED
- Deep sleep function: supported
- Home Assistant integration: ESPHome
- Pins
- LED: 13
- SDA: 4
- SCL: 5
- Optional enclosure: Multicomp 1603603
- Design files on github
- Home Assistant/ESPHome configuration example
- EmonCMS
- Arduino sketch for sending TaaraESP SHT21 data to EmonCMS
- Arduino sketch for sending TaaraESP SHT21 data to MQTT broker
- Arduino IDE support for ESP8266
- HTU21D Library from SparkFun
- Bare PCB: 3€
- Pre-assembled: 37€
- Full set 42€
- Pre-assembled
- Board layout
- Schematic